Gallery showcase
From May 5 to 19, 2021
With the artists: Camille Chastang, Hayoung Kim, Iris Martin, Charlotte Pringuey-Cessac, Eleonora Strano, Clémence Mauger, Charlotte Vitaioli, Hazel Ann Watling, Anne-Laure Wuillai, Janna Zhiri
Curator/text: Bérangère Armand, @wewantarteverywhere

There is your certificate: the one you prepare, fill out, forget, lose, erase, download, tear up, throw away. And then there are the attestations of others: Don’t you ever wonder what the motive might be for the hurried footsteps of those silhouettes seen in your confined neighborhood?
We invite you into the intimacy of the attestation of others by publicly sharing the revisited attestations of ten artists who transform -each in their own way- these confusing passes. These administrative documents become in turn autofiction, micro-fiction, photographic collage, painting, drawing, video or animation. Like tiny chapters of a single whole, they combine and are declined in colors, words, images and characters.
Of these attestations -as well as of these silhouettes seen-, there will soon remain only a vague memory, a diffuse memory. Because, finally, when the virus is a distant memory, we will walk down the street freely thinking about all this with disbelief. And we will think, “Yet I did not dream*.”
*L’herbe des nuits, Patrick Modiano, Gallimard, p.11, 2012.
The exhibition, visible at all hours, takes place in the main window of the gallery.