Artist V1.3 (Model Anne-Laure)

Artist V1.3 (Model Anne-Laure) was born in Versaille in 1987
Lives and works in Nice.

After graduating from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Anne-Laure Wuillai moved to Nice, where she is represented by the Eva Vautier gallery.

Facing the sea, she draws up an inventory of samples, among which water, sediment and shoreline are meticulously catalogued, packaged and classified. Using established reference points, measurement systems and cartographies, she reveals the paradox of a world perceived on a human scale. Oceans come in bottles, seas in labeled plastic bags, while the sky is measured in fifty-three shades of blue.

The sculpture Terrain vague symbolizes the archetypal wave, its movement evoking the sound of the sea. The water's transparency projects the ultramarine blue reflections of a seascape onto the ground. In the form of an artificial wave for the interior, the sea comes into the home, to the point of dreaming of capturing it, seizing it entirely, until it takes over the world.


    Selection of works

    Bleu Piscine, 2020

    Preformed polyethylene pool, blue and white pool paint, 60 x 160 x 130 cm

    Snow globes - Mediterranean, 2019,

    Mediterranean sea water with sediment and plastic particles Glass ball, wooden stand
    13 x 10 x 10 cm

    Hyper-Conditioning (pool), 2018 - 2019,

    Mediterranean sea water in plastic bags Sixteen stainless steel gabions Light-emitting diode bulb
    60 x 60 x 60 cm and 40 x 40 x 40 cm
    Personal exhibitions

    2022 All around, water, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice

    2022 Origin of joy, Galerie Epi ,Ingrande-sur-loire

    2022 Nouvelle Vague, Palazzo Saluzzo Paesana, Turin, Italy

    2021 Sous le Chaos La vie, Galerie Mansard, Paris

    2021 La mer à l'œuvre, Espace culturel de Port-Lympia, Nice

    2021 Ecotopia - Interview, Château de la Napoule, Mandelieu-la-Napoule

    2020 90° au dessus du feu, Hôtel Windsor, Nice

    2020 Alive, Château de la Napoule, Mandelieu-la-Napoule

    2015 Telepathy Room, SuperVue, Hôtel Burrhus, Vaison-la-Romaine

    2015 En une seconde d'inspiration, exterior facade of MAMAC and TNN, Nice

    Exhibition created for the Réveillons-Nous festival organized by Irina Brook

    2015 A kind of metaphor like the (planet) Earth, Paris 18ème

    Exhibition realized in partnership with the association Diameter, Travelling Gallery

    2015 Ici la terre, Rosalina, Nice

    Group exhibitions

    Group exhibitions

    2022 A rose is a petinua is a mimosa, Galerie Eva vautier, Nice

    2021 L'horizon, Galerie Eva Vautier Hors les Murs, La menuiserie, La Motte-Servolex

    2020 Avec plaisir III, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice

    2020 Voila l'été, The resort, Nice

    2020 Fire walk with me, Musée d'art Naif, Nice

    2018 Avec plaisir II, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice

    2019 Nopoto, BelOeil, Nice

    2019 Bâtir, villa Le Roc Fleury, Cap d'Ail

    2019 La vie est un film, 109, Nice

    2019 100 titles, BelOeil, Nice

    2018 Avec plaisir, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice

    2018 La mémoire et la mer, curated by Rebecca François, Nice

    2018 Private Choice, curated by Nadia Candet, Paris

    2018 Une collection 5, curated by Camille Frasca, Paris

    2017 Rien ne se perd.... curated by Camille Frasca, Paris

    2017 Une collection, curated by Camille Frasca, Nice

    2016 Un palais idéal des egos étranges, Palais idéal du facteur Cheval, Hauterives

    2016 Préfiguration du palais idéal des egos étranges, Palais idéal du facteur Cheval, Hauterives

    2015 Odyssée, Galerie La Marine, Nice

    Exhibition organized by the Villa Arson, graduating students 2015

    2014 Des corps compétents, Villa Arson Art Center, Nice

    2013 Works in progress, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice

    Group exhibition and curatorial work organized in partnership with Eva Vautier

    2013 Manca, performance concert, MAMAC, Nice

    Performance /Workshops/ Residencies

    Performance /Workshops/ Residencies

    2019 Polychrome, Utopia residence, Ponte-Leccia, Haute-Corse

    2018 School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings, Hong-Kong, French May 2018, direction of a workshop on performance as representative of the School of Nice.

    2013 Avatar, workshop, École d'art de l'Université Laval, Québec, directed by Pascal Broccolichi and Julie Faubert

    2012-2013, Des corps compétents, workshops, HEAD, Génève, Switzerland under the direction of Arnaud

    Label Rojoux, Patrice Blouin and Christophe Kihm

    2011 Fluxus concerts and performances, Performance at MoMA (Newyork City) with Ben Vautier Foires

    2019 DrawingNow, Paris, Galerie Eva Vautier,

    2018 ArtParis, Paris, Galerie Bertheas,

    Duo Exhibitions

    2022 Aleas, curated by Alain Jaquet, apartment exhibition with Jacque Renoir

    2018 Emosophia, curated by Caterina Zevola Open Bach, Paris (with Bertrand Lanthiez)

    2017 Derrière la Mer, Galerie de Beuil, Beuil (with Anne-laure Wuillai)

    Exhibitions with the Palam Collective

    2021 Orées, Villa Cameline, Nice

    2020 Sous la glace l'eau, Caisse d'épargne de Nice Masséna, Nice,

    2020 In the presence of, Chapelle Sainte-Elisabeth, Villefranche-sur-Mer

    2019 Azimuth, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice, and the FRAC PACA as part of Des marches et démarches


    2015, DNSEP, Villa Arson, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nice, France

    2013, DNAP, Villa Arson, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nice, France

    2011, Licence III Philosophy, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis


    2022 All around, water, Ecological and social manifesto for the exhibition All around, water

    2022 Nouvelle Vague, Exhibition catalog

    2019 Ecotopia, book about the ecotopia project

    2014 Ici la terre, le mémoire, Graduation thesis directed by Joseph Mouton and Thomas Golsen, Villa Arson, Nice

    2014 Ici la terre, l'expédition, Co-publication for the Ici la terre project, with texts by Tristan Blumel

    "Anne-Laure Wuillai asks, "Who hasn't had the impulse to take a souvenir, a fragment, home with them on a nature walk or a trip abroad? A visual artist who graduated from the Beaux-Arts in Paris, she felt oppressed by the urban density of Paris and chose the Côte d'Azur for its proximity to the sea and the peaks. Here, in her chemist's laboratory-like studio at La Station in Nice, she preserves fragments of the Mediterranean taken in a wild, dreamlike, performative gesture, documented in photos. Imbued with the work of Georges Perec, who contributed to the revival of literary material by elevating lists and inventories to the level of narrative, this visual artist represented by Galerie Eva Vautier develops an approach somewhere between science, poetry and irony.

    "I like to question our ways of inhabiting the world, the standards we produce to put everything on our own scale. The way we domesticate water and the sky too, elements whose immensity is nonetheless beyond us in every respect", continues the artist, who has thus chosen to force the line of classification to the point of absurdity, the better to question our ways of apprehending, categorizing and consuming our environment. In her Hyper-condionnements series, she fills a shopping cart to the brim with bags of seawater, while in her Les artificiels series, she creates furniture that sets flashy blue waves in motion, echoing clichéd images of the color of water. In an eminently poetic gesture, it declines the fifty-three shades of blue in the sky identified by Saussure for his cyanometer, one of the first meteorological instruments designed in 1789. She imagines snow globes in which plastic waste found on the shoreline dances, or postcards soaked in water, like memories taken away... but for how long? Through the grotesque, she moves away from the militant gesture to produce a work that mischievously laughs at the boxes of the mind and invites us to dream anew of our relationship with water, sky and earth, this living body.

    Works & editions

    See all the works of Artist V1.3 (Model Anne-Laure) available online