Anne Laure WUILLAI, Vues d’atelier à La Station, Nice juin 2020 Realization of the work Kit domestique, 2020 – Eau de Mer Méditerranée et sédiments, seven plasticized bags, Plexiglas box. For the exhibition “1 Mètre de distance” at the Eva Vautier Gallery, from June 13 to July 30, 2020. Facing the sea, Anne-Laure Wuillai draws up an inventory of samples, among which waters, sediments and shores are meticulously listed, conditioned and classified. By modelling her samples on established landmarks, measurement systems and cartographies, she reveals the paradox of a world perceived on a human scale. The oceans come in bottles, the seas in labeled plastic bags, while the sky is measured in fifty-three shades of blue.