Pauline Brun
Salon Camera
Windsor Hotel, Nice
Exhibition Exhibition
November 24 and 25, 2018
For Camera Camera, Pauline Brun presents three videos from the SHOT series produced during her residency last spring at La Station, as well as an installation featuring various objects from the video series. A character, silent, in a white suit, aseptic but hairy, stays in Lawrence Weiner's room at the Windsor Hotel.

Pauline Brun, photo ©Jacques Yves

Pauline Brun, photo ©Jacques Yves

Salon Camera
Windsor Hotel, Nice
Pauline Brun
November 24 and 25, 2018
For Camera Camera, Pauline Brun presents three videos from the SHOT series produced during her residency last spring at La Station, as well as an installation featuring various objects from the video series. A character, silent, in a white suit, aseptic but hairy, stays in Lawrence Weiner’s room at the Windsor Hotel.